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Calculating Your Sweat Rate

Woman drinking water, text "How to Calculate your Sweat Rate"

Sweat rate is a critical piece of information for athletes, and it is actually fairly easy to figure out. But this relatively simple data point can have a major impact on your performance. Studies have shown as little as a 0.5% loss of body water can cause increased strain on the heart, and as little as 2-3% of total body weight can cause declines in performance — That is just 3 - 4.5 pounds for a 150 pound individual, which can easily happen during an endurance training session or race, especially during hot or humid conditions!

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Moms in Training

Woman pushing a running stroller, text "Moms in Training, An Homage to the moms of Team INFINIT"

They juggle the demands of taking care of a family, building a career, and essentially organizing the chaos of everyday life, and that’s just before noon. Yet somehow make it all look so easy. We honor the multitasking moms of Team INFINIT. We probably all have memories of our moms helping us learn how to ride a two-wheeler, getting up early to shuttle us to swim practice, and sitting through all-day meets and competitions.

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COLD ϟ BREW Performance Coffee

INFINIT Cold Brew in its bag, in a mug with ice, all on a table with coffee beans spread across

This isn’t your regular iced coffee. Our brand new COLD BREW Performance Coffee is brewed low and slow, lightly sweetened and, blended with a hint of real cream, plus packed with 20 grams of premium grass-fed whey protein. In recent years cold brewed coffee has steadily been growing in popularity. Starting as a fad drink, to now being a staple in every coffee shop around.

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What’s the Deal with Sugar?

sugar carbs nutrition FAQs

Sugar. This sweet and energy-rich substance (C12H22O11) has been used and treasured by humans for thousands of years. It is one of the world’s oldest documented commodities. It's also one of the most utilized ingredients in the world, and is responsible for bringing sweetness to our lives in the form of baked goods, chocolate, ice cream, and so much more. So why have these once highly valued granular bits of sweetness suddenly found their way into our health-conscious crosshairs?

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Sham-ROCKing Mint Irish Cream Chia Shake

Irish cream Chia Shake, text "Sham-rocking mint Irish Cream Chia Shake"

We got you covered with a Sham-ROCKing Mint Irish Cream Chia Shake recipe you can make at home with just a few simple and clean ingredients. Simply blend a scoop of Limited Edition Mint Irish Cream Mud with some fresh spinach, pistachios, chia seeds, yogurt and a frozen banana, and voila! You’ve got a super refreshing nutrition-packed shake ROCKing the color of the season — GREEN (Naturally, of course!)

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How to Make :SPEED INFINaritas

Cinco de Mayo Recipes Speed

When we're at events or out talking and sampling with athletes, without fail, we get a question along the lines of, "How does this mix with...(vodka, tequila, etc.)?" Our answer to those type of inquiries is usually, "pretty freaking well!" We've experimented with quite a few concotions. Most of which stay within the walls of INFINT HQ, but when something is THIS good, really, how can you keep it to yourself??

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RAW Cut-out Sugar Cookies

Raw bag on table with cookies, text "Raw, Cut-out Cookies"

Valentine’s Day is one of our favorite holidays around the INFINIT HQ. Something about this holiday, and the bright red and pink decorations that contrast with the grey of the February landscape, just makes it feel like the first glimpse of winter’s passing, and it reminds me of warm temperatures coming down the pipe.

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Choosing the Best Protein Powder for You

Various source of protein on a table surround a chalk board that reads "Choosing the best protein powder for you"

No matter how much (or little) you know about nutrition, everyone knows protein is an important part of performance, recovery, and overall health! It is recommended that average adults get a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day (or 0.36 grams per pound of body weight).1 This works out to be about 45 grams for a 125 pound adult and up to 73 grams for a 200 pound adult

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