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INFINIT Team - Ambassador Introduction - Will

Welcome to the Team INFINIT, Will!

Name: William Grace

Age: 29

From: South Coast, England

Major wins: 

Challenge Championship 2024 Overall Age Group winner and course record holder.

Ironman Bolton 70.3 Overall age group winner 2024.

Challenge Almere Overall Age Group Winner 2024.

British Championship Age Group Winner 2024.

Challenge Wales Age Group Winner 2024

Favourite INFINIT product: 

Custom blended mix !

Cold Brew !

Hours of training per week: 

20+ hours

Next big goal: 

First season as a professional long course triathlete where focus is on gaining valuable experience and pushing for a podium!


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Hydration for Athletes with INFINIT Nutrition

Drinking low-calorie hydration that replenishes electrolytes and energizes

Boost your performance with ‘HYDRATE - essential hydration’ designed as the perfect hydration for Athletes.

Hydration is a key factor in achieving peak performance. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, decreased coordination, and muscle cramps, which can hinder your stamina and recovery. That’s why finding the right hydration for athletes is crucial. At INFINIT Nutrition, we have worked with scientists to produce a world-class product — ‘HYDRATE - essential hydration,’ our lightest hydration formula with a 92-calorie composition designed to energize, hydrate, and replenish before and during workouts up to 90 minutes, and for everyday hydration needs.

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INFINIT Team - Ambassador Introduction - Andrew

Welcome to the Team INFINIT, Andrew!

Name: Andrew Horsfall-Turner

Age: 29

From: Sussex, England (now in Swansea, Wales)

Major wins: 

Outlaw Course Record Holder

(Welsh Iron Distance Record Holder)

Favourite INFINIT product: 

Custom Blend (Giving me exactly what I need for training and racing)

Hours of training per week: 


Next big goal: 

Ironman Texas (April 2024)


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Protein for Endurance

Colin Riley and Aaron Scheidies riding a tandem bike, text "Using Protein in your endurance Blend"

When it comes to protein, most people think about weight training, big muscles and "bulking-up". Do endurance athletes need protein DURING training and racing? The answer is maybe... Let's take a closer look at the ins and outs of protein for endurance athletes during training and racing. 

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Osmolality and Fueling for Sport: Why it Matters

Water slashing on a white background, text "Osmolality and Fueling for Sport: Why it Matters"

Osmolality is a measure of the number of dissolved particles in a solution. You can think of it as a fancy word for the concentration, or density, of a fluid. Scientifically speaking, the osmolality of a solution refers to the concentration of osmotically active particles in that solution. Osmolality is a function of the number of particles and is not related to particle weight, size, shape, or charge. Almost every fluid has an osmolality above zero — Except for distilled water, which has been processed to remove all other substances or “solutes” from the water molecules.

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Welcome to the Team INFINIT, Michael

Name: Michael Foreman

From: London, UK

Interesting fact: Born and grew up in Durban,SA,  Living in UK since 1999

Favourite race: Ironman 70.3 Weymouth 2018. It was my 1st Ironman 70.3. There was a massive storm that weekend with most sporting events being cancelled. After a few DNF’s before I was absolutely determined to finish!

Proudest race result: Ironman Hamburg 2022, my first full Ironman!

Favourite INFINIT fuel: I love them all!

Personal or business goal for 2024: Working with the team to make Infinit in the UK and Europe a huge success!

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INFINIT Team - Ambassador Introduction - Matthew

Welcome to the Team INFINIT, Matthew!

Name: Matthew Kaminer

Age: 19

From: London, England

Major wins: 

  • Bristol Triathlon – 1st
  • Ironman UK 1st M18-24 and 6th Overall
  • Challenge London – 1st MU20 and 7th overall

Favourite INFINIT product: JET FUEL for pre-workout and Repair for post-workout

Hours of training per week: 15 hours per week around medical school

Next big goal: Achieve my professional triathlon license


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