Growing up in Falmouth, Maine, Clara Brown was an avid athlete enjoying everything from gymnastics to running and skiing. One of four siblings, her parents were keen on keeping the family active and involved in a variety of activities and sports. At the age of 12, Clara’s life changed forever when she sustained a serious injury at gymnastics practice, leaving her with a broken neck and a damaged spinal cord.
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Posted in Team INFINIT, News and Athlete Spotlight
While 2020 brought about a pause on the races and events, INFINIT Pros Ryan Petry and Alexey Vermeulen also witnessed the pandemic-driven uptick in people starting to ride. Being lifelong lovers of cycling, they sought out a way to help really immerse these new riders into the sport. This is where the From the Ground Up Project was born. Out of thousands of submissions that came in from across the country, Ryan & Alexey had the difficult task of narrowing it down to just 3 riders to take under their wing and equip with everything needed to start training.
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Posted in Team INFINIT, Athlete Spotlight, Beginners Guide and The INFINIT Library
Here at INFINIT HQ, we've been working hard behind the scenes on a brand new PRESET Blend featuring our #1 most requested CUSTOM option — Vegan protein! You asked for it. Now, we’re excited to unveil the original all-in-one endurance fuel, and the cornerstone of the INFINIT Nutrition product line, has gone plant-based with the new :GO FAR + plant protein.
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Posted in Products and News
Chelsea has been the backbone of our team here at INFINIT, keeping operations running smoothly for over 7 years. On August 1st, 2020, Chelsea was unexpectedly rushed to a local hospital. When she arrived, her team of doctors quickly discovered that her heart was failing. They began working tirelessly to keep it pumping, but it was too weak to keep going without the help of machines. At just 31 years old, this vibrant, active, and seemingly healthy mother of two was told she needed a new heart to live.
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Posted in News
It’s that time of year again, Pumpkin Spice EVERYTHING! Over at INFINIT nutrition we have been baking up some warm delicious pumpkin spice protein cookies. Whether you’re craving something sweet, need a mid-day boost, or just finished a workout, this treat is sure to do the trick and sneak in some extra grams of protein.
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Posted in Products and Recipes
Every Memorial Day, INFINIT teams up with a charitable organization that works to support our active servicemen and women, retired Veterans, and their families. It’s an annual tradition that we are proud to continue, and this year we're excited to be teaming up with Ride It Out MTB to help support their mission of empowering Veterans by giving them positive outlets for stress and anxiety through mountain biking.
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Posted in Training and Coaches Articles
Here at INFINIT Headquarters, our team of formulation specialists talk to a LOT of people throughout the year. One of the biggest “complaints” we hear is that INFINIT (particularly a custom blend) is kind of expensive. When, in reality, when you compare it to a fueling strategy that uses gels, chews, salt pills, a bar or two, and a commercially available sports drink, INFINIT is not any more expensive—and in a lot of cases, actually LESS than—the combination of all that other stuff.
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Posted in Training, Science, Products and The INFINIT Library
Nicholas Chase is trucking through his 6th year competing among the professional ranks in triathlon, and is coming off his best season yet in 2018, which included a 6th place pro finish at 70.3 Steelhead. While finishing the final few years of his 10 years of service in the United States Air Force, Nick became hooked on the sport of triathlon. As most age group athletes will know, if you put your mind to something, dive in with all of your energy, and make some changes, big things can happen.
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Posted in Team INFINIT, News and Athlete Spotlight
Red, white, and blue — The official colors of summertime. This wonderful season, that most of us look forward to all year, is marked by our most patriotic national holidays. We kick off the season by remembering all those who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice on Memorial day. We mark the midpoint when we celebrate Independence Day on July 4th, and Summer winds down to fall when Labor Day comes around.
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Posted in Products and Recipes
It’s that time of year. When outdoor training and activities ramp up, and so do the temperatures. If you’re like me, this time of year you also find yourself craving slushies, popsicles, and just about anything frozen. But did you know there’s actually a biological reason your body craves these frozen treats? Ice, icy liquids and slurries can be awesome tools to helping your body regulate temperature. Frozen and icy liquids can help with body temperature regulation in a couple ways.
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Posted in Recipes