When it comes to protein, most people think about weight training, big muscles and "bulking-up". Do endurance athletes need protein DURING training and racing? The answer is maybe... Let's take a closer look at the ins and outs of protein for endurance athletes during training and racing.
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Posted in Training, Science and Beginners Guide
Osmolality is a measure of the number of dissolved particles in a solution. You can think of it as a fancy word for the concentration, or density, of a fluid. Scientifically speaking, the osmolality of a solution refers to the concentration of osmotically active particles in that solution. Osmolality is a function of the number of particles and is not related to particle weight, size, shape, or charge. Almost every fluid has an osmolality above zero — Except for distilled water, which has been processed to remove all other substances or “solutes” from the water molecules.
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Posted in Science and The INFINIT Library
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world and athletes have long been linked with consuming large amounts of coffee. Before we talk about how coffee can benefit performance AND your overall health, let’s take a look at a few fun facts about coffee.
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Posted in Science and News
By now you’ve probably had a race that has either been postponed to a later date this fall or otherwise cancelled until next year's event. For me, 2020 was supposed to be an exciting year of racing as a member of the USA Paratriathlon National Team as a guide for blind triathlete Brad Snyder as we looked to qualify and race at the Paralympic Games in Tokyo. Just like the Olympics, the Paralympics were pushed back a year to 2021 along with most (potentially all) of the ITU races this year.
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Posted in Team INFINIT, Training and News
here’s no doubt that we are living in unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our lives have drastically changed over the past week or two with races being canceled or postponed, our kids’ schools closing down, and the challenge of trying to navigate working from home while figuring out your and your families’ new daily schedule. Many of us (including myself) were gearing up for our first big “A” race of the year only to hear that it had been canceled. This leaves us with a lot of uncertainty, asking ourselves questions like, “When will my next race be?” and, “ Is that one going to get called off too?”
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Posted in Training, Science and Coaches Articles
Let’s face it. There are A LOT of protein powders and supplements out there claiming to be the secret to performing better, losing weight, living forever or any number of magical effects. It can be pretty confusing, and sometimes overwhelming, to know what product will really help reach your goals and which ones are just smoke and mirrors backed by baseless claims.
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Posted in Science, Products and Recipes
No need to let your training suffer when you can’t get outside for your workout. Forget the forecast and pay no attention to the weatherman — We are here to offer you some tips to make sure you’re getting in quality training with your at-home fitness plan, so you’re PR ready for your next big competition!
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Posted in Training and Beginners Guide
Sweat rate is a critical piece of information for athletes, and it is actually fairly easy to figure out. But this relatively simple data point can have a major impact on your performance. Studies have shown as little as a 0.5% loss of body water can cause increased strain on the heart, and as little as 2-3% of total body weight can cause declines in performance — That is just 3 - 4.5 pounds for a 150 pound individual, which can easily happen during an endurance training session or race, especially during hot or humid conditions!
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Posted in Science, Beginners Guide and The INFINIT Library
A couple weekends ago I raced in the Steelhead 70.3 (Half Ironman) in Benton Harbor, Michigan. This was my 2nd time racing at Steelhead but the last time I raced here was back in 2010 where I set my 70.3 PR with a time of 4:16:06. This is my 3rd year racing a professional triathlete and I have dabbled in a few 70.3's over the last couple of years including Chattanooga (2016 and 2018) and Austin (2016 - canceled swim) and just hadn't put together a good half Ironman race in a long time.
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Posted in Team INFINIT, News and Race Reports
I ran the Chicago Marathon in 2014 as my 2nd marathon and had ran 2:52:45 in what would be considered ideal marathon conditions, but I suffered some serious leg cramps in the final 6 miles that likely cost me several minutes. I was not using INFINIT at this time. Going into the 2017 race, I was excited to be using INFINIT knowing my nutrition was dialed in for me with the hopes that I would not experience the same cramping issues that had slowed me down in 2014.
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Posted in Team INFINIT and Race Reports